John R. Dundon II, EA


Tax Implications of Installment Sales

More and more taxpayers it seems are finding themselves compelled to engage in a structured...
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Allowable Nontaxable IRA Rollovers Contributions Interpreted To Mean One Per Taxpayer Per Tax Year in US Tax Court Case – Bobrow v. Commissioner

In Bobrow v. Comm'r, T.C. Memo. 2014-21, the Tax Court relied on IRC 408(d)(3)(B) regarding...
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What is a ‘Qualifying Relative’ for US Tax Purposes: IRC 152

Wading through the convolution required to identify specifically who qualifies as a relative for income...

Tax Implication of Publicly Traded Partnerships: Why Purveyors or the US Tax Code Snarl at Investment Brokers

Tax Implication of Publicly Traded Partnerships: Why Purveyors or the US Tax Code Snarl at...

IRS Released “Get Transcript” Application for Real Time Downloading of Information on Your Tax Account

Any individual taxpayer can view, print or download their own transcripts on-line in Real-Time using...

IRS Stakeholder Liaison Meeting – Denver

The following is a summary of the IRS' most recent Stakeholder Liaison Meeting in Denver...
