Month: January 2015


Marijuana Dispensary Income Tax Guidance Update: IRS Memo 201504011

As many of you know who follow my tax musings via this blog, I recently...

Final Tangible Property Regulations Necessitate that Many Businesses Apply for Change Of Accounting Method: IRS Form 3115; Rev Procs 2015-13 & 2015-14

Back in June 2014 I blogged about the new IRS Regulations governing tangible personal property....

IRS Form 1099-misc Filing Requirements Defined as per IRC 6041

I was talking with a taxpayer the other day who registered as an LLC with...

Can You Establish a SEP Plan if you are a Sole Proprietor? What if that Sole Proprietorship Had Historically Passive Income?

Regardless of their nature or topic matter, off beat questions are one of the spices...
