IRS Collections

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What to do WHEN you disagree with the IRS

When you disagree with the IRS the Office of Appeals has the authority to weigh...

Why You Should File Past Due Tax Returns NOW

Regardless of whether or not you are able to pay your tax liability in full,...

Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act of 2015 – A Summary

Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015 (PATH) summarized by my friend Shirley Callahan...

Releasing a Federal Tax Lien from the IRS – A Step by Step Guide

Fortunately I graduated from providing this service for hire preferring to refer all tax collection...

Odujinrin v. IRS Commissioner Reinforces the Significance of Engaging a Reputable Enrolled Agent

In Wole Odujinrin v. IRS Commissioner the petitioner, a hematology oncologist who represented himself, did not...
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Decoding the IRS – Document 6209

Understanding what you are up against with the IRS can be frustrating on many levels....

IRS Bills, Penalties and Interest Charges

Many people have been reaching out to me to learn specifically about what they are...

Understanding Your Odds with IRS Audit Technique Guides

Many taxpayers fear that aggressive deductions wave flags in front of IRS auditors and quite...
