IRS Appeal

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What to do WHEN you disagree with the IRS

When you disagree with the IRS the Office of Appeals has the authority to weigh...

U.S. Tax Court Settlements in IRS Appeals

In Notice 2015-72 the IRS proposes to update Rev. Proc. 87-24 regarding U.S. Tax Court...

Marijuana Dispensary Income Tax Guidance Update: IRS Memo 201504011

As many of you know who follow my tax musings via this blog, I recently...

Odujinrin v. IRS Commissioner Reinforces the Significance of Engaging a Reputable Enrolled Agent

In Wole Odujinrin v. IRS Commissioner the petitioner, a hematology oncologist who represented himself, did not...
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Decoding the IRS – Document 6209

Understanding what you are up against with the IRS can be frustrating on many levels....

Understanding Your Odds with IRS Audit Technique Guides

Many taxpayers fear that aggressive deductions wave flags in front of IRS auditors and quite...

IRS Released “Get Transcript” Application for Real Time Downloading of Information on Your Tax Account

Any individual taxpayer can view, print or download their own transcripts on-line in Real-Time using...

IRS Stakeholder Liaison Meeting – Denver

The following is a summary of the IRS' most recent Stakeholder Liaison Meeting in Denver...
