Estate Tax

US Savings Bonds tax implications

US Savings Bonds Tax Implications

US Savings Bonds tax implications can be complex. If you inherited or were gifted US...

IRS proposed Regulations on Basic Exclusion Amount for Estate and Gift Taxes

IRS proposed Regulations on Basic Exclusion Amount for Estate and Gift Taxes. The Tax Cuts...

Estate Tax and Legacy Planning Considerations

Estate Tax and Legacy Planning Considerations Now that the Build Back Better (BBB) 'Framework' has...

The Significance of Stepped Up Basis in Estate Planning IRC 1014

According to Internal Revenue Code Section 1014 the basis of property acquired from a decedent...

Basic Steps to Avoiding Probate

As many of you know that follow this blog my father recently passed away and...
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IRC 1014 & the Significance of Stepped Up Basis in Estate Planning

According to Internal Revenue Code Section 1014 the basis of property acquired from a decedent...
