IRS Commissioner calls CRISIS!
IRS Commissioner calls CRISIS! Rettig’s editorial in the Washington Post as released by the US Treasury is as remarkably bold as the man himself.
He is calling CRISIS! This is BIG and must be repeated. The IRS Commissioner is CALLING CRISIS!
Messaging from a Trump appointed ‘republican’ via a ‘liberal rag’ is fascinating. Why? The man:
- genuinely exudes being proud to serve by a sense of duty and honor.
- is welcoming of immigrants and other non English speaking US Taxpayers, an oxymoronic characterization to his appointer.
- is incredibly balanced and apolitical, focused US taxpayers and government employees alike.
Perhaps these not so subtle juxtapositions between his appointer back in 2018 and what he is constructively trying to achieve now may explain why the editorial dropped in the WaPo, a left leaning echo chamber, in lieu of a more conservative seller of advertising abyss.
Rettig’s leadership focus on investing in a stable career based government work force dedicated to serve US taxpayers is a refreshing paradigm shift that we should all embrace regardless of political persuasion. Should he ever run for elected office – mark my words – history will look back on this editorial. With that these are his 3 most #BuzzWorthy excerpts.
- “Over the past decade, the IRS budget has been decimated. Today’s historically low level of funding means that the agency is not equipped to provide the American people the service they deserve or to fully enforce the tax laws against those who evade them. This should be recognized as the crisis it is.”
- “IRS employees want to do more to help taxpayers. We want to be able to answer the phones and respond to questions. We want to be ready, when the next national crisis hits, to deliver economic relief quickly – as our employees have worked long hours to do during the pandemic.”
- “The Administration estimates $400 billion in additional revenue can be generated over the next decade from enforcement efforts focused on higher-end incomes, shrinking the tax gap. This figure is no surprise: If given the resources we need, we will be able to make a sizable dent in noncompliance over several years. A properly funded and trained workforce will also have a significant deterrent effect on cheating.”
He is basically asserting that an $80 Billion investment from the pusillanimous reprobates who bought their way into congress will return $400 Billion over the next 10 years by investing in a career based workforce inside the IRS dedicated to service and catching tax cheats. I’ll take that bet any day and my guess is the majority of US Taxpayers will too.
I know his team hears us and that many of them crave the resources to better serve. Get into the weeds, hit me back.